« ナチュラルトランペットの参考文献(その3) | トップページ | トウキョウソナタ »




Fred Holmgren / Stalking the Valveless Trumpet (HBS News No.2 1990)

Fred Holmgren / 1996 Survey of Natural Trumpet Makers (HBS News No.9 1996)

John Webb / British Brass Makers (Brass Bulletin vol.101 1998)

Jean-Pierre Mathez / Egger Instrumentenbau (Brass Bulletin vol.105  1999)

Jeffrey Nussbaum / A Survey of Natural Trumpet Makers World-Wide (HBS News No.14 2001)


Arno Werner / Johann Ernst Altenburg, the last representative of the heroic art of the trumpeter and drummer (Brass Bulletin vol.46 1984)

Jean-Pierre Mathez / Friedemann Immer - A New Trumpet (Brass Bulletin)

Jean-Pierre Mathez / Gabriele Cassone - The universal trumpet of Gabriele Cassone (Brass Bulletin vol.115 2001)

Jean-Pierre Mathez / Susan Williams - The natural trumpet, a natural approach (Brass Bulletin vol.118 2002)

Jean-Pierre Mathez / Niklas Eklund - Ambassador for the historical trumpet (Brass Bulletin vol.120 2002)

Jean-Pierre Mathez / Jean-Francois Madeuf - Breathing new life into the historical trumpet (Brass Bulletin vol.122 2003)

Jeffrey Nussbaum / An Interview with Natural Trumpeter Crispian Steele-Perkins (HBS News No.6 1994)

Jeffrey Nussbaum / An Interview with Edward H. Tarr: A Pioneer in Early Brass Music (HBS News No.7 1994)

Stanley Curtis / An Interview with Scientist, Professor, Historian, Writer, Philanthropist and Trumpet Player Robert Hazen (HBS No.17  2004)

Jeffrey Nussbaum / An Interview with Trumpeter and Embouchure Instructor Robert (BAHB) Civiletti (HBS News No.18  2005)

木幡一誠 / インタビュー マイケル・レアード ーイギリスの誇るベテランに聞く、モダンと古楽器の接点ー (月刊パイパーズ 1999年8月号)

インタビュー ジャン=フランソワ・マドゥフ - ナチュラルトランペット奏者(月間パイパーズ 2015年7月号)


Edward Tarr / The Basel Symposium on Natural Trumpet and Horn
Crispian Steel-Perkins / Symposium another view (ともにHBS News No.2 1990)

Meet your maker: A Round-table Discussion/Interview (HBS News No.5 1993)

Tim Collins / So, how many holes is a Baroque Trumpet supposed to have? (HBS News No.9 1996)

Bob Rieder / “No Hot Air Here...” : Natural Trumpeter's Roundtable (HBS News No.9 1996)

Douglas Hedwig / A Unique Approach to the Modern and Old : A Discussion with Brass Players of the Chamber Orchestra of Europe (HBS News No.10 1997)

Sabine K. Klaus / In the Footsteps of the Old Nuremburg Masters: Trumpet-Making Workshops in Edinburgh, 2002 (HBS News No.16  2003)





« ナチュラルトランペットの参考文献(その3) | トップページ | トウキョウソナタ »






« ナチュラルトランペットの参考文献(その3) | トップページ | トウキョウソナタ »