Johann Ernst Altenburg / Trumpeters' and Kettledrummers' Art 1795 (The Brass Press 1974)
Cesare Bendinelli / Tutta L'Arte della Trombetta (Editions BIM/The Brass Press 2009)
Girolamo Fantini / Mode per Imparare a Sonare di Tromba 1638 (Editions BIM/The Brass Press 2009)
Girolamo Fantini / The Trumpet in a Warlike way 1638 (The Brass Press 1975)
F.G.A. Dauverne / Method for Trumpet 1856 (英文訳は HBS Journal vol.3 1991)
Don L. Smithers / The Music and History of the Baroque Trumpet before 1721 2nd edition (Southern Illinois University Press 1988)
Edward Tarr / The Trumpet (Schott 1977,1994) (Hickman Music Edition 3rd Revised and Enlarged Edition 2008)
Trevor Herbert & John Wallace (edit.) / Brass Instruments より Edward Tarr / The trumpet before 1800 (Cambridge University Press 1997)
Paul Plunkett / Beyond Brass Basics - A Guide to common sense trumpet playing (Spaeth/Schmid 1999)
Crispian Steele-Perkins / Trumpet (Kahn & Averill 2001)
Gabriele Cassone / la tromba (Zecchini Editore 2002)
Elisa Koehler / A Beginner's Guide to the Baroque Natural Trumpet (ITG Journal March 2002)
John Foster / The Natural Trumpet (Kookaburra Music 2010)
John Wallace and Alexander McGrattan / The Trumpet (Yale University Press 2011)
Sabine Katharina Klaus / Trumpet and other High Brass Volume 1 Instruments of the Single Harmonic Series (National Music Museum, University of South Dakota 2012)
エドワード・タール著 中山冨士雄訳 / トランペットの歴史(ショット・ミュージック 2012)
Elisa Koehler / Fanfares and Finesse (Indiana University Press 2014)
| 固定リンク
- ブラスアンサンブル編曲(ダウランド)(2020.04.23)
- 高音攻略法(2023.07.25)
- ナチュラルトランペットのウォームアップ(動画紹介)(2022.10.22)
- 思いつき話(2022.08.18)
- ラッパ購入遍歴(その2)(2022.06.30)